Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Life is a series of experiments...

Yesterday I was watching House and had a mini-revelation. I guess it was the combination of the episode plus the sermon at the church I visited yesterday. In the house episode there was this blogger who needed to tell everyone about every little detail of her life. I realized how much I missed talking about every little detail of what God has been doing in my life. Last year I had a group of people I could share everything and anything with, but this year I am sort of struggling for companionship. Anyone who knows me would think of me as the last person to do something like this. I am not one to share my personal life with strangers so this is not me at all. However as I realized yesterday its not me I want to share -- its God. I have a living and loving relationship with God that I need to share. Just like a parent tells the world about the cool things their children are doing. I have this unexplained need to tell everyone about how God is impacting my life. I know that this is not easy to understand. I guess that is the point. How easy is it for anyone to describe their relationship with anyone. How do you classify your relationship with your loved ones? Its almost impossible because every individual is different and every individual relationship is just as different. It is incredibly hard to describe. Words fail. This is something I have learned recently and will never forget. It is amazing to me how the same word that is used to describe how much you like a television show or a food or whatever other meaningless object is used to describe how much God means to you. I cannot possibly say I love spaghetti and I love God and mean the same thing. Words fail. Plain and simple. This is not an attempt to describe God for the sake of describing Him. This is a mere outlet for which I can describe everything that God is to me. It will be a pale comparison and may only serve the purpose of a diary but I am willing to try and see where it leads. This past Sunday, the pastor I listened to said something I may never forget. He said that in life we experiment and sometimes we fail and sometimes we succeed but the point is to try. At least I will have an opportunity to learn from this even if it fails. I just pray that God uses me to speak (or type) and I guess we will see what He does with His blog. I hope that this is turns out to be something others can connect to, learn from and identify with. Even if this turns out to be my own personal diary it would benefit me to type out all that God is doing in my life and be able to refer back to it in the future.

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