Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Time with God

Yesterday morning I was in a waking up phase and decided to ask God something. I asked Him what does time with Him look like, what is the formula to setting time aside for Him? What should I be doing differently if anything at all. I am starting to realize that spending time with Him does not look the same for everyone. There is no formula, no right way to do it. When someone decides on a specific hour to spend with God they are either showing their dedication to their relationship with Him or succumbing to a superstitious assumption about how their relationship with God should work. For some people it as just as bad as an athlete wearing the same dirty sock to every game or a fan wearing the same jersey while watching a football game. I think that some people think that if they don't spend time with God for that hour then their entire day is ruined that without without their hour then they will lose touch with God. I actually agree to some degree. Just as when you don't spend time with a friend, or a sibling or any loved one, when you don't spend time with God you can and will loose touch with Him. But why an hour? why not 5 20 min intervals? Why not 45 mins? I know that all of this seems petty and like I am picking out little things to argue with but I feel that I need to work through it so here it goes:

On one end there are those of us who need an hour at the beginning of each day to set our minds on Christ. If we don't schedule in an hour each day it wont happen because of all we have to do each day, God may get put on the back burner. Then there are those of us who may fall into a religious routine. A routine that is hard to escape from because just as an athlete may not want to wear a different sock some people get so accustomed to one set of ideas that they do not want to change out of fear. Now with that said I do not under any circumstance believe that people should ignore God or ignore a need to set times specifically for Him. However, God is a God of the unexpected so we cannot put him in a box of an hour but we cannot ignore that hour either. This is where my predicament comes in. If I am supposed to set a specific amount of time for God each day and I am also supposed to not get into a religious routine then what in the world am I supposed to do?

I wish I had some profound answer but I don't. All I can gather is that I cannot do anything without God. Also that my relationship with God does not look like anyone else's relationship with Him. So if someone else spends an hour each day reading the Bible and follows a certain routine with God's grace then so be it. If someone else spends an hour here and an hour there at different times throughout the week by God's grace then so be it. If I don't have a specific hour and by God's grace I find multiple times throughout my day to remind me of what God has done then so be it. The problem I find is when I decide I dont need to read my Bible because I can worship Him without it or when I feel I am OK without reflecting on what God did for me on any given day. Anytime I take it upon myself to judge where I stand with God is the day I am at fault and the mindset I need to change. I know when I should be doing something else. I know when I need to use scripture to figure out what to do next. I know when I need to praise and thank God for what He has done. I know when I should cry out to Him. I know when I should spend time in His presence. The problem becomes when I think I know I have had enough, that I am OK without it. The Holy Spirit is extremely active and when we allow Him He will lead and guide us a to a deep and fulfilling relationship with God that will not look like any other relationship with Him. We all can understand the power of prayer, the need for scripture, a call to worship but we will never understand someone else's relationship with Him. So basing our relationship off of others will never work. Asking for guidance by someone else who has been through it will never hurt but if all we ever do is do what everyone else is doing and never experiment on our own and learn from our own mistakes then how much can our relationship with God grow?

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